Fun San Francisco Bay Area Classes & Hobbies For Adults & More
Arts & Craft Classes, Cooking/Baking Classes, Dance/Exercise/Workout Classes, Free Classes, Bay Area Adult, Kids & Teen Classes, Pottery & Ceramics Classes, Best Classes San Francisco
Last updated: December 9, 2024
Best San Francisco Bay Area Classes: Adult, Kids, Free, Workout, Art & Crafts & More
Below is a very rough outline of classes I think should be on your radar. Not everything is free or cheap, but all are worth exploring in more detail on your own.
Occasionally, there are more one-off classes, usually free, offered sporadically throughout the year from private organizations, non-profits, and individuals. I list some of those in my weekly email newsletter, which you can subscribe to below.
Most of the classes listed below are for San Francisco but I may add more outside the city limits over time depending on interest from folks. I highly recommend filling out this quick 2-min survey so I can provide more of what you want to see here.
Adult Classes San Francisco Bay Area
To submit a class for consideration, please you the link below. I read everything but due to sheer volume of inquiries I receive, I am unable to respond to most people.
Over time, I hope to add more details so you can quickly scan and see which ones might work for you based on commitment, price, neighborhood and specific offerings.
As with all classes, check directly for updated schedule, fees, signups, cancellations and more. Other related guides below…
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If you want to meet single people through classes and social events, please use good judgment and don’t be creepy. These circles are very intimate and safe spaces. Word travels fast if you behave badly.
Experience these classes and social dance parties to appreciate the music, learn to dance and add to the vibrancy of these communities. If you are looking to pick up women only, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb.
I have made many friends over the years through taking classes and social events, as well as during my time teaching salsa dancing years ago.