Online Dating in the San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco Bay Area Gender Ratios On Dating Apps, Online Dating in the San Francisco Bay Area, Man Jose (San Jose) Male To Female Ratios
Dating in the Bay Area is pretty awful, but you know what is worse? Relying on dating apps for all or even most of one’s dating efforts.
A lot of people (men) complain about gender ratios in the San Francisco Bay Area but if you normalize the data (straight men to straight women), it’s pretty even.
That said, given how much people rely on apps for everything in life here in the Bay Area: food, taxis, laundry, movers etc. online dating still remains one of the top ways people meet their partners today.
Originally posted:
Dating App Gender Ratios San Francisco Bay Area
I went onto back in October 2018, pulled user counts for several cities across the Bay Area, and then compared them by area and age bracket.
Despite how old the data is, the ratios/trend are still relevant here. It tells the story of how various demographics engage with dating apps.
In a perfect world, we would see closer 1:1 ratios for men to women. As these numbers grow apart, the begin to create some bad behaviors and habits.
Source: Tableau Reports
Please note:
I included profiles with photos only
I used different radius given different population densities
Assumptions made:
People tell the truth about their age or at least at the same rate across genders, ages.
Online Dating San Francisco Bay Area
At the time I pulled this data, I was (am) fully aware that Match is/was a shell of itself and many people gravitated to Hinge, Bumble, Coffee Meets Bagel, Tinder etc. The important thing to know is that trends are important.
Possible takeaways:
Guys use apps sooner than women
Women use apps in larger numbers later in life
Guys rely on apps way too much early in life
Bad ratios mean guys will use the volume approach more (swipe right more often than they would if gender ratios were more even i.e. less competitive)
Begin to put less effort into initial messages/comments
Women assume matches mean interest when that is not always the case
Will exert less effort on messages/comments
Bad gender ratios create worse experiences for men and women alike
Dating In The San Francisco Bay Area, San Jose
What to do?
Use apps sparingly 3-4 days a week, 20 minutes a day
Focus on making friends, expanding hobbies, exercising, eating well
Men: Focus on social skills, hygiene, first impressions
Learn to ID red flags, cut off time wasters and not assume anything
Learn to read people (it’s an art and not perfect but it is effective)
It’s not a matter of using one outlet or another, one should use multiple outlets to meet more people including: volunteering, social clubs, activities, becoming a regular, events, bar seats, dinner parties, church etc.
Men can leapfrog competition easily with some self-work, therapy, social skills etc.
Women should take the initiative rather than wait for men to approach them.
Check out other cities here:
Best Dating Apps San Francisco Bay Area, San Jose
About Eddie
Former analytics geek but working with more engineers than ever before through online dating photos, dating coaching and image consulting.
Best Dating Apps Bay Area, Online Dating In The Bay Area, Dating In The Bay Area, Dating Apps San Jose, Dating In Silicon Valley, Online Dating In San Francisco, Online Dating In The Bay Area, Is Dating Hard In San Jose, Is SF Better For Dating Than San Jose, Man Jose Dating, Man Jose Stereotype