San Francisco Civic Involvement Opportunities, Social Justice Organizations, Protests
San Francisco Civic Engagement Opportunities: Immigration, Homelessness, Safety & Reproductive Rights, Bay Area Civic Activism Groups, Protests & More.

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Related news: A Day Without Immigrants Strike Bay Area 2025
This is long overdue, but I am working on building out this guide for those looking to get involved in their community. This is a very rough guide - I did not want to delay it any further. Changes start locally, and efforts are magnified when people come together.
For those who have ideas/suggestions, the contact information is located down below.
To share this guide with friends, family, colleagues, neighbors etc. Click the share button below.
Related guide:
Use The 311 App
Use it to call out dangerous things in your neighborhood like:
Stop signs that are blocked by trees
Sidewalks blocked by overgrown bushes
Intersections that repeatedly get people ignoring stop signs
Crosswalks that always have close encounters with vehicles
Document (days, times, exact locations). Get neighbors involved. File reports again if closed out and nothing is done.
Attend Board of Supervisor Meetings, San Francisco
Put pressure on your Board of Supervisors, take notes, ask questions, be persistent, be visible, be passionate - or just show up.
Information: https://sfbos.org/participate-and-submit-public-comments
Send Feedback/Questions: https://www.sf.gov/send-feedback-and-questions-board-supervisors
Contact Your Local Supervisor
If you have tried to use 311 app repeatedly and don’t get thing addressed like recurring issues, dangerous intersections, blocked sidewalks, stop signs blocked by trees etc, reach out to local supervisors directly with case numbers. Get neighbors to contact them as well. Be persistent, build support.
Look Up Supervisor: https://www.sf.gov/maps
Contact Info: https://sfbos.org/roster-members
See What Indivisible San Francisco Is Up To
“Members of Indivisible SF are defined by our action and find solidarity in our shared opposition to Trump and Trumpism”. Indivisible needs volunteers:
• Federal: monitor elected reps
• Local: monitor BoS & Mayor)
• Meetings with fed, state, and local officials
• Make videos on political issues
• Organize protests etc
• Social media (post on Threads, FB etc )
Share San Francisco Essential Services Guide
I also made a guide below:
Immigrant Services San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco
These 7 S.F. organizations support undocumented immigrants. Here’s what they offer: https://eltecolote.org/content/en/sf-immigrant-resources-nonprofits/
North Bay
Canal Alliance, San Rafael: https://www.canalalliance.org/who-we-are/
S.P.U.R. San Francisco
Walk SF
San Francisco Bay Area Civic Engagement Events, Talks
San Francisco
Manny’s, Mission: https://welcometomannys.com/events
City Arts & Lectures, Hayes Valley: https://www.cityarts.net/events/
Commonwealth Club, Nob Hill: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/events
East Bay
La Pena Cultural Center, Berkeley: https://lapena.org/events/category/class-workshop/
San Francisco Bay Area Protest Schedule
Indivisible Bay Area Groups
Weekly Tesla Protests (Please do not vandalize tesla vehicles or harass drivers)
Saturdays 12pm in SF
Walnut Creek, Saturdays 12pm
look up others by searching city, protest
Am I missing something? Use the contact button on my homepage to suggest more options, outlets, organizations.
Contact News Agencies
If something is egregious and you get nowhere with 311, supervisors etc. you may want to contact local media outlets. Be sure to have:
Receipts, case numbers, reports, evidence
Dates, times
Stick to facts
Be concise
Provide support from neighbors, businesses etc.
You may need to try several of them. Contact local affiliates like ABC7, CBS/KPIX, KRON4, NBCBayArea, KTVU, etc. Use the main tip lines, contact reporters who have a history of covering personal stories, similar crimes, etc.
You should also try local newspaper sites:
Bay Area Redditors Creating List of MAGA Businesses To Boycott
Please do your own due diligence when choosing where to spend your money.
Contact Representatives & Senators
This service is a good option to reach the right people… https://5calls.org/
Donate/Volunteer To EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
SF Bay Mutual Aid
“collective of Bay Area residents & organizers coming together for the purpose of meeting the needs of our local community.”
Related guide:
Am I missing something? Leave a comment below or drop me a note through the contact button on my homepage.
If you would like to support my efforts to create/update free public guides for all, feel free to buy me a coffee.
San Francisco Civic Involvement, San Francisco Civic Organizations, San Francisco Resistance, San Francisco Civic Engagement Opportunities, Social Justice Groups San Francisco, Social Justice Organizations Bay Area, San Francisco Activist Groups, San Francisco Protests, Bay Area Protest Schedule, San Francisco Protest Schedule, Protests Today In SF, Protests This Weekend Bay Area, Tesla Protest San Francisco, SF Protest Tesla Saturday, Bay Area Tesla Protest, Palo Alto Tesla Protest, Walnut Creek Tesla Protest, Boycott MAGA businesses San Francisco, Boycott Bay Area Businesses Supporting Trump
This is great Eddie! So helpful to have all of this actionable information in one place.
A valuable addition thank you!