San Francisco Bar, Pub Trivia Night, Trivia Games San Francisco
Bar Trivia Night List, San Francisco By Day, Neighborhood (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday), Trivia Night SF, Trivia San Francisco, Best Trivia SF, Bingo Nights San Francisco
Last updated February 10, 2025
A few places changed dates/times
Few places have started up trivia nights
A few other places have are on hiatus during winter months
Added some trivia nights with irregular schedules
Added a separate section for Bingo nights
This is an exhaustive bar trivia list for San Francisco listed by date, neighborhood and time. As more places are verified, I will update this list (see date above for last update). Several places have gone on hiatus over the winter, and some have set return dates.
For my other pub trivia nights in the Bay Area, check out this page.
San Francisco Trivia Nights, Trivia Games San Francisco
If places routinely cancel trivia night for games or other reasons, they may not be listed below. Some places may cancel trivia night for playoff games. Check ahead with the establishment to confirm.
A lot of work goes into maintaining this list - as you can see, other sites have very outdated lists that are years old and/or contain just a fraction of what I have here.
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Trivia Nights Bay Area: Berkeley, Oakland, San Jose, North Bay, Sacramento & More
—> For East Bay, South Bay, North Bay & Sacramento Trivia Nights, click here!
San Francisco Trivia List: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Thursday Trivia San Francisco, Monday Trivia San Francisco, Tuesday Trivia San Francisco, Wednesday Trivia San Francisco, Best Trivia San Francisco, Friday Trivia San Francisco
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Bay Area Trivia Nights (South Bay, East Bay, North Bay, Sacramento)
Trivia nights are one of many ways to meet new people, build friendships, become a regular, find a third space or possible meet singles. For more ways to meet people offline and in-person, check out this free guide.
Trivia Nights San Francisco, SF Trivia Nights, San Francisco Trivia Monday, Tuesdays & More
Here are the trivia nights in San Francisco with neighborhood, day and time and notes to consider (see date last updated above).
If something is outdated or no longer active, let me know.
I verified all the places below directly as of the date above through calls, emails and messaging establishments directly.
Business owners/trivia organizers, please post updates on our website, social media, etc. I will email, phone, and call for updates but if I don’t hear from you, I will leave out your trivia nights off this list until I am able to confirm.