San Francisco Social Groups, Bay Area Private Clubs, San Jose Social Clubs
San Francisco Membership Clubs, Bay Area Social Groups For Men, Women; SF Private Clubs Women, Men, Bay Area Friendship Clubs, Women's Social Clubs, San Jose Social Groups To Make Friends
Last updated; June 24, 2024
Despite information being readily available, people still struggle to meet others and make friends in/around San Francisco.
Whether it’s fear of going to events on your own or having a difficult time meeting people organically in third places, some people need a bit of a nudge or structure to meet others.
Meet New People In San Francisco: Social Clubs San Francisco, San Jose Social Groups
Thanks to WFH, Covid/isolation, friends moving away, socially awkward personalities, cost of living, busy work schedules and more, people are looking for new ways to meet people organically, offline and in-person.
This guide is just for you.
Check out Eddie’s List! Free weekly email newsletter with events, things to do each week, food/drink recommendations and news round-up. Over 16,000 people have discovered Eddie’s List - will you be next?
San Francisco Social Groups, Bay Area Friendship Clubs, Private Clubs
Below is an overview of several private clubs, social groups, and friendship clubs focusing on bringing like-minded people together based on interests, location, and/or gender.
Some are free, some are based around activities/exercise, while others require memberships and/or event tickets. These won’t include elitist places that require referrals or insane membership costs.
This list is a work-in-progress and will be updated over time. More will be added and some may be removed as well depending on feedback, insights from attendees and my own research.
Most of the groups are based in San Francisco but over time I will add more options outside the SF city limits to include other parts of the Bay Area. Similarly, I am not covering the super-wealthy/exclusive clubs here.
San Francisco Bay Area Clubs To Join, Social Groups San Francisco
If you haven’t looked already, I made a couple of guides to help folks meet people, and make friends:
How To Meet People In SF (How To Make Friends, Friendship Services Bay Area)
Volunteering Opportunities in San Francisco To Meet People
If something is outdated or no longer active, let me know. I verified all the places below directly as of the date above through calls, emails and messaging establishments directly.